Why not also check out other brands on the market too, like the best Nike Golf Shoes, the best adidas golf shoes (opens in new tab), and the best Footjoy golf shoes (opens in new tab). Be sure to scroll through the gallery of images for each model to get a real idea of the seriously impressive amount of colour choices on offer. Below, we've listed our personal favourites which features a broad array of some of the excellent styles and colorways the brand has on offor. We've become big fans of the G/FORE golf shoe range and have been able to test a lot of styles in both their men's and women's golf range. We'll go into a bit more detail about how this works below, but our testing has concluded that it will make your feet feel less fatigued after a round of golf. This insole features on all G/FORE golf shoes and consists of a number of small nubs on the inside of the shoe that massage your foot as you walk along. One feature that makes all golf shoes in the G/FORE stand out from its competitors in the massaging insole. While the brand may not yet be as recognised as FootJoy (opens in new tab), Nike (opens in new tab), adidas (opens in new tab)or Skechers (opens in new tab) are, G/FORE golf shoes easily stack up against these brands for comfort and performance. Bold colour options have also made the brand highly distinguishable out on course and will allow you to express yourself even more when playing golf. Covering styles from classic brogues to on and off-course training shoe styles, the brand had dipped its toe into a wide range of silhouettes.
On 13 July 1977, British racing driver David Purley survived a deceleration from 173 km/h to zero in a distance of about 0.66 m, enduring 180 g*.G/FORE has made a sizeable impression on the golf shoe market in recent years and have quickly becomes a go-to shoe for golfers looking for a pair of the best golf shoes (opens in new tab) on the market. Jumping from the lowest step of a stairway onto a hard floor, for example, can produce a deceleration of many g on landing but only for an instant (depending on what type of shoes you have on and how straight your knees are!). But it is only when the acceleration is sustained that such an effect is noticeable, let alone significant. The effect of high acceleration rates on humans can be very significant and most humans start to pass out when subjected to a sustained acceleration of a few g. In these cases the magnitude of the forces involved can be several times higher than the value of the Earth's gravitational force and hence, for example, they are said to experience 2 g, 3 g, 6 g, etc. For example, when an astronaut alters trajectory, a pilot changes speed or direction or a racing driver goes around a corner, it is the rocket, jet or internal combustion engine that provides the force needed to accelerate them, not gravity. Unfortunately, use of the letter ‘g’ sometimes leads to the belief that the force involved is produced gravitationally, which is rarely the case.


The term g-force is used to convey values of force and acceleration